I actually finished that post last night but lost the end of it because I started working offline and it didn’t save.
Our night in Atlantic City was uneventful. We took hot showers and went to bed. It was hard to face another day of motoring in nonexistent wind the next morning. The boat was just as reluctant. When Lee tried to start the engine to get going it wouldn’t even turn over. After some trouble shooting he figured out that the starter motor was stuck and unstuck it. Lee is great about explaining these problems and fixes to me but it just makes me more amazed that he figures these things out and knows what to do to fix them.
Yesterday was another long motor down the coast. The wind was even lighter than the day before and the clouds threatened rain all afternoon. The New Jersey coast is flat, sandy, and has water towers every few miles. That’s about all we saw. Boats heading North passed us once in a while. There are a lot of mega motor yachts around.
We pulled into Cape May harbor, again accompanied by dolphins, at around 3:30pm. I radioed the marina I’d called earlier about a slip. After the frightening sight of 6.3 feet on our depth sounder we warily made our way to the fuel dock. Our draft it 7.25 so how were we in less than 6.5 feet of water and not aground?
It started to rain as soon as we tied up. The huge fuel dock turned out to be our transient dockage for the night as well so we just stayed put after getting diesel. Our special treat of an evening was to go for a run, take showers, and go out to dinner across the street from the marina.
Cape May looks like a cute town and there’s lots of fun things to do (museums, beaches, shopping, boardwalk amusement park) but today it is raining. We’ve been so lazy: sleeping in, barely leaving the boat. I’m doing laundry and chatting with other transients in the laundry room. We finally have some high-speed wireless so I’ve been uploading all the pictures from my camera. Here are 3 new albums covering the trip from Stonington to here (click on each photo for an album).

Lee showing Conor how to haul him up the mast to install the RADAR. Conor generously served as our mailing address for a few last minute items.
We think we figured out a place to anchor here and will probably head over there tomorrow night after one more night at this luxurious dock. Tomorrow should be rain free so hopefully we can explore a bit! Our next leg is a bit up in the air. We might head to the Chesapeake and Delaware canal entrance on Thursday or Friday or we might take the Atlantic route to Ocean City, skipping the C&D and entering Chesapeake bay from the south.
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