Archive for March 2010

Hilarious video   Leave a comment

As Lee and I update Pirat one piece at a time, we admire the boat’s design and construction more and more. Of course it has its flaws, like any boat. Right now it looks like a ransacked wreck with the mast down and Amazon boxes of parts taking over down below. Tonight we rediscovered this […]

Posted March 27, 2010 by Rachel in Uncategorized

The current plan: going with the flow   Leave a comment

Time for a long overdue update on our plan. The original plan was to head South for the Caribbean in the spring, leaving as soon as possible after I finished my thesis and returned from California. That departure date began to seem unrealistic the more we thought about sprinting down the East coast and through […]

Posted March 23, 2010 by Rachel in Getting started

Sunny, happy days   Leave a comment

What a difference a few weeks makes! I arrived back in Rhode island last Friday to alternating rainy and sunny days. It’s finally Spring! Today was one of those sunny March days that makes you hopeful for summer. Lee set up the cockpit table and worked on projects outside. The canvas guy was also here […]

Posted March 17, 2010 by Rachel in Getting started