Archive for May 2010

Introducing Boatbites   Leave a comment

I always intended to start another blog focusing on cooking aboard Pirat. It’s hard enough to maintain one blog with spotty internet so we’ll see if I can manage two. My friend Danielle of Danielle in Brazil inspired me as well. Her cooking blog is a nice addition to her fascinating musings about teaching and […]

Posted May 26, 2010 by Rachel in Uncategorized

oh sunburned back   Leave a comment

It actually feels kind of nice to be sunburned. After a winter in Rhode Island I’m finally starting to thaw out! Well, we made it to the Chesapeake. I must admit I wasn’t too impressed at first. Power boats rudely assaulting us with their wakes are pretty irritating when you’re trying to sail on otherwise […]

Posted May 25, 2010 by Rachel in Uncategorized

Another windless passage   Leave a comment

Now there’s more to read about our adventures on the blog Foreigner’s Finances. The author interviewed me about my alternative post-graduation lifestyle and some of the practicalities of cruising. Check it out! Here we are at the top of Delaware bay, near the entrance to the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. It took us all day […]

Posted May 21, 2010 by Rachel in Uncategorized

Jersey shore continued   Leave a comment

I actually finished that post last night but lost the end of it because I started working offline and it didn’t save. Our night in Atlantic City was uneventful. We took hot showers and went to bed. It was hard to face another day of motoring in nonexistent wind the next morning. The boat was […]

Posted May 18, 2010 by Rachel in Uncategorized

Boat wakes, yacht clubs, and the Jersey shore   Leave a comment

Ahhh, finally tied up in a marina with some time to kill and their wireless isn’t working. Pictures will have to wait. It’s a good thing I have plenty of stories to tell! Lee and I are starting to look the part of wandering vagrant sailors. A woman working in the cafe I last posted […]

Posted May 17, 2010 by Rachel in Uncategorized

New York, NY   Leave a comment

Finally, a picturesque little mediterranean market with internet! Lee and I schlepped our laptops ashore through the drizzle in Manhassett Bay, NY. We picked up a free city mooring here this morning after spending last night in the disappointing City Island anchorage. There wasn’t much going on there, just the shoreline of the Bronx to […]

Posted May 12, 2010 by Rachel in Getting started, Pictures

Leg 2: Stonington CT   Leave a comment

Remember when I said we were going to Block Island after Newport? Well, I was just kidding. Really, we changed our plans this morning when we finally got out of Newport. Monday in Newport was pretty blah. It rained and it blew. We mostly sat on the boat all morning and then biked around a […]

Posted May 4, 2010 by Rachel in Getting started

Newport   Leave a comment

Yesterday was fabulous! We sailed to Newport, arriving in the early afternoon. Meeting with the sailmaker didn’t work out and we couldn’t get a hold of anyone to get a mooring so Lee got out the anchor. I’m happy to say our first time anchoring went smoothly and we stayed put all night. We had […]

Posted May 2, 2010 by Rachel in Getting started