Archive for December 2010

The routine at rest   Leave a comment

It’s Santa’s feet! Without an intense schedule of passage making, Lee and I have settled into a routine not unlike that of teenagers in their first days of vacation. At least we don’t stay up till the wee hours of the morning or drive to the mall to hang out with our friends. We have […]

Posted December 18, 2010 by Rachel in Getting started

Sail sail sail sail sail…sleep   Leave a comment

Charleston at last! I never thought this city would feel like such an important destination on our journey. It turns out Charleston is special for several reasons. One, it’s our first stop in South Carolina (a new stat for us). Two, we sailed here offshore overnight in the cold and wind without mishap or disaster! […]

Posted December 11, 2010 by Rachel in Getting started

I know we’re not in the Bahamas yet but does it have to be this cold?   Leave a comment

Lee said this last week and now it pops into my head a few times a day. It’s not every day that I get to do extreme things, just most days. It’s so true. By extreme things, he means driving the dinghy miles upwind back to Pirat in the dark through steep wind chop after […]

Posted December 7, 2010 by Rachel in Getting started

The holiday spirit   Leave a comment

My uncle just sent me a picture of Doc, my dog, from Thanksgiving. I miss Doc but he would not like boat life at all. He gets the starring role here because he makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. This morning, like many mornings, Lee and I are transfixed by our various electronic […]

Posted December 4, 2010 by Rachel in Getting started