It’s amazing what a few miles up the coast and out to sea can change. As we approached Grand Manan island yesterday the cliffs emerged from the fog looking nothing like the familiar Maine coast. They are steep and rocky and the rocks are dark and craggy. Even the lighthouse on Fish Head looks different.
We are officially in New Brunswick, Canada now. Radio announcements come in French and English. The local restaurants serve poutine (fries with gravy and cheese curds). Grand Manan is awfully busy for being so far out here. A ferry connects it to the mainland six times a day but there aren’t many pleasure boats out here. I think we’re the only one tired up with the fishing fleet in the small harbor right now.
Before this we were at Roque harbor, with it’s lovely crescent beach for a night. We meet the Magnuson’s near there the day before and explored the Machias blueberry festival with them. They were kind enough to bring us some necessary parts such as a new exhaust hose for the heater.
It’s getting chilly enough at night that the heater feels good (even if not all the exhaust makes it put of the boat). I love this cool, foggy weather. Lee isn’t a fan of the fog but it doesn’t bother me. We are definitely Northern sailors rather than sun-seeking, margarita-drinking types.
Gunnar is proving to be quite the trooper every day. He naps down below to the engine’s drone and loves to look around at the view from his car seat on deck. He’s growing up too!
Today we leave for Saint John on mainland. There is finally and to it’d time to make some distance!
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