They just keep biting me. No matter where we are or what we’re doing, bugs are after my apparently delicious flesh. I’ve always thought they knew I reacted worse than most to their bites. Mosquitoes, no-see-ems, they’re all bad.
I started this trip with a good amount of bites from around Lee’s parents house but after a hike on Hog island our first day out I was in itchy hell. I even have hives all over my chest thanks to something I encountered on that island, bug or plant. Tonight, anchored at the pristine White islands, I don’t see any bugs but bites keep appearing. Ugh. Better me and not the baby I suppose.
We tried to get to the White islands, a tiny archipelago of 4 off Vinalhaven, yesterday. The light wind forced us to cut the passage short, however, and we stopped in Long Cove next to Tenants harbor for the night. Rain squalls complete with thunder and lightning blew through just after we anchored so I, at least, was glad to be in a safe harbor.
Lee and I took turns running around town in the morning. We were disappointed to find the source of fresh baked goods, seafood, and all kinds of boater services our guidebook told of closed for the season. After jumping in the chilly water we took off across part of Penobscot Bay for the White Islands.

Grilling at anchor among the White islands. Sorry no pictures of the scenery yet. I took those on the big camera and need to download them.
The White Islands are made up of Big and Little White as well as Big and Little Garden Islands. Evergreens top their stony shores and the narrow passages between them make idyllic anchorages. There are 4 other boats in this intimate spot, a reminder that we’re out for Maine’s high season. Still, we are enjoying the view and plan to take the SUP for an spin in the morning as well as exploring the islands in this chain that belong to the Nature Conservancy.
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